Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Another snowy, icy day...

I remember back when I liked snowstorms...days off school with my children- sliding, skating and enjoying. Now, I look at snow through my jaded eyes, and I think shovelling, slippery, icky mess! I long for spring time... the blossoms on the trees, the daffodils blooming, the birds chirping in the morning. It always seems to get longer and longer- the wait for spring.
I weighed in today at 290.6 so I really in a good mood, despite the snow and ice falling outside. A weight loss of 17 pounds is good.
I resolved last night that I will start back at the gym tomorrow- I am working a 12 hour shift today, due to the snow, so I can't start today- no excuses. I was watching the Biggest Loser last night, and noted how much the trainers pushed the participants, and the weight loss they achieved because they were pushed. So I resolved then that it was also time for me to stop making excuses and get out of my comfort zone and into the gym. I knew that I hadn't cancelled my Planet Fitness membership for a reason. So tomorrow it will start and I will make an appointment to meet with the trainer and review the equipment.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Weigh in

I am not very good at posting daily. I knew that, hence the blog versus a forum. There is always too much going on in my life to warrant blogging. But I am still lowcarbing and sticking to the plan.
Weigh-in was done yesterday weight 296.2, so I am right on track. No time to write this morning, I have a report to finish that is due at 1 today so I need to get moving on that one. I am working third tonight so I will probably be able to write more then.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

So I finished the cake at 4am, and, I am proud to say, I did not sample the rice krispie treats, the batter, the fondant, the cake, or the icing! I went to bed right afterwards, and back up at 6am to take my son and his friend to meet the wrestling coach so they could get to the competition in time for check-in. Came home, and got ready for the day. Had an applicant interview at 8am and met my co-worker at 8:30 to transfer beeper responsibilities.
I then went to deliver the cake and the child was very excited to see her favorite characters on the cake. The parents were pleased with the way the cake came out also.
Off to the market to buy snacks for the wrestling competition before hitting the highway. Half pound of the store made chicken salad, some provolone and sliced pepperoni. Two apples and G2 for my son, and I was ready to hit the road.
Drove the hour and a half to the wrestling competition and arrived in time to see Kevin compete in the second match- which he lost. He won the next one pinning his competitor in a cradle hold. Overall the team did okay...they came in 7 out of nine teams.

So I am still hanging in there and keeping it together- planning my meals on the cuff, of course...but that goes with my life style. Being on the go with the kids, the cakes and the job, doesn't leave much time for meal planning or scheduled exercise. I long for the days of leisure, in which I can try out new recipes, and go to the gym on a regular basis. Someday...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

day 2 and 3

Yesterday was a good day and I stuck with my plan. Had my meals planned and carried my LC emergency kit (cheese sticks and pepperoni). I had an Atkins shake for breakfast, two hamburg patties for lunch, a cheese stick for snack and dinner was a cucumber, pepperoni slices and cheese slices. not much of an imaginative meal plan, but it worked with my crazy day. Today was a little rougher as I didn't have my LC emergency kit with me and was on the go all day travelling from meeting to meeting. Got up at 3:30am to type a report and left the house in a rush to get to work for 7am. Totally forgot to prepare for my meals for the day. In-between one meeting I managed to run onto a local market and purchase some provolone and chicken salad. Did some quick roll-ups and ate on the run- my usual way of eating for the past couple of years. Now there are no more trips to the fast-food joints on the way here and there so I need to start planning better.
Still kept it together today and ended with some scrambled eggs and mozzarella for dinner with some celery and cream cheese for the crunch I needed.
Snow storm moving in tonight and I am not looking forward to it. Snow means call-outs and scheduling nightmares. I am preparing my kit tonight so that I will be ready to roll out quickly with the first phone call. More tomorrow....

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

weigh in

Well, got on the scale just now and wanted to post my weight so that I am accountable. 307 pounds!!!!! This is the biggest I have ever gotten! The losing began yesterday and my first goal will be 250 pounds. Get there and will move downward from there to my ultimate goal of 150 pounds. Basically, I need to lose another me. Yippee.....skinny me stay...fat me go ASAP!!!!

Recap of Day 1

I made it through yesterday. From previous LC experience I have learned that the first two weeks are crucial. Just the whole eating habit change makes it difficult. I mean, I am a fast food junkie and an emotional eater. Trying to find my comfort niche while lowcarbing takes awhile- especially when I am faced with a family of carb addicts (with teenagers in the house what would one expect, not to mention a husband and sister who are also carb addicts). My sister knew exactly what I was doing (as she put it- again) when I came home from the kid cab runs and made a plate of cucumber, pepperoni and cheese slices. My teenagers rolled their collective eyes, and went and pulled frozen carb crap out of the freezer for their dinners. In their words- whatever! I did well yesterday- two beef patties for breakfast / lunch (I had to work a third shift Sunday/Monday, so it was really dinner), two cheese sticks (on-the-go life savers), a cucumber, pepperoni and cheese slices for dinner. oh, and a piece of gum during the wrestling competition.
So, here starts day 2, and the stress of my job to contend with. I manage a group home for mentally challenged adults, and while the position in and of itself is not really stressful, there are other factors that increase the stress level ten-fold. Budget cuts, staff shortages, and overdue reports tend to make life very stressful. Add in a healthy dose of office politics, teenage crisis management, overdue bills, housework that needs attention, third shifts open Fri., Sat., and Sun., cake order due on Saturday, and, OMG, you have those Hershey Kisses calling out loud for attention! Oh, and let's not forget that my darling son's wrestling coach informed me last night that my son has been chosen to compete in the Southern Duals this Saturday, two hours drive from home. Oh, and the Berlin tournament on Sunday. So, now my work time management has changed for today, as I now have to make it a priority to arrange third shift coverage for this weekend so that I can transport to the tournaments. don't get me wrong, I love the fact that my son is so involved in sports, sometimes, though, it is difficult to juggle and balance my work persona with my mom persona, without losing MYSELF in the process. The football, wrestling and lacrosse seasons tend to wreak havoc on my life.
Anyways, time to stop or I WILL be answering the Call of the Kisses, or the M &Ms, or any other chocolate that I may find hidden in the depths of my work bag that needs cleaning!
Off to get ready for another day of living lowcarb! Need to get my emergency bag of fast food packed and head off!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Back on the wagon....

Well, I made a decision again this week, and have chosen tomorrow to be the starting point....again. I have been off the low carb wagon for so long this time; and my weight shows it! It seems like everytime I start low-carbing in the past five years, I stop after a few weeks. Emotionality (is that really a word?) is part of the reason. I am an emotional eater, and lowcarb chocolate doesn't do for me what real chocolate does. Neither does cauliflower smash as substitute for buttery mashed potatoes, or pork rinds in lieu of crispy potato chips. Regardless, I need to do this....for me, for my health, for my mental stability.
I bought a new laptop last Tuesday and it has a webcam on it. I turned it on while at work Friday night and this ugly, fat woman stared back. Yuck!!! I can't believe what I have evolved to in the past five years. I logged onto my myspace account and found the picture of me in 2003, and 2007, and wanted to cry. In 2003 I had reached my goal of 160 from 300 lb., and in 2007 I was back up to 210. Now, a hundred pounds more, and well.....
Here I am sitting here at work again, with a definitive start date of january 12. I considered joining a lowcarb forum, but really don't have time to be social and respond on a regular basis, to others' posts. No, I am not being mean, just realistic. I am married, with two children still at home, a three-yo granddaughter who visits regularly so dad (my son) can work, a more than full time job as a residential manager, and a cake decorating business on the side. Time for me is at a minimum, and when I do have time I want to be able to ramble about what I want, or need, to ramble about.